Encore Support Services

Our therapists answer your child development questions

How do I train my child to accept “No” for answer?

Often when my child demands an item such as ice cream, he will struggle to accept "No" for an answer. He will cry and yell until the demand is fulfill...

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How do I make my home environment a happy, safe place for my child?

I am a working mother of 4 and my 5-year-old son has ASD. I find that when I get home from work, I walk into a very stressful and tense environment. ...

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How can I help my child make friends?

My son is 8 years old, and I feel that he is lacking social skills. He loves to hang out with his friends, but sometimes it seems like he just does...

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How can I foster the development of early reading skills in my young children?

I know how important reading skills are to my child's success in school and in life. Is there anything I as a parent can do to support the development...

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How do I deal with an intensely emotional child, while juggling daily duties?

Question: I’m a mother of a large family including a child with intense emotions. This child often overacts and throws tantrums that are out of prop...

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Will my child ever be perceived as “normal”?

This is a question that is asked by many caregivers in one form or another. Even if a parent has not actually expressed to a therapist, they are most ...

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How do I get my child to initate and engage in conversation?

Question: My son is a smart boy. He does well in school. He knows the answers to the weekly questions. However, socially he is shy and reserved. Durin...

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Each week, Ami Magazine features a “Let's Talk” post, with a question or inquiry commonly posed by Encore parents.

Here is the response from one of our Encore Therapists.

Let us know what you think!